
I'd like to propose some changes to the website based on my current perception 
of it and some comments I've read from users:

Navigation bar

Bar mockup: 

The current navigation bar is growing, so I think it may be good to define a 
style so that people can build more complex menus if necessary (but I hope it 
won't get too complex).

I propose the graphic change you see in the mockup—thin black line at the 
bottom, navigation items are white while idle, and yellow with a black 
indicator at the bottom when active— as well as the actual items and their 

Home page

Home mockup: 

I propose the changes in the mockup above because of the following reasons:

1. Some people still confuse Guix with GuixSD.
2. Some people still ask if Guix can be used on top of other distributions.
3. Some people think pitching GuixSD and Guix to specific crowds is good (of 
course it is). [1]

To address the first two points, I changed the order of the content so that 
information refers to GuixSD first, Guix as a part of it, and then added a 
section that mentions specifically the use of Guix in other distros.

For point three, I added a section that links to blog posts that explain GuixSD 
and Guix in the context of a particular field (this part requires the current 
News pages to become a Blog instead. See below).

Finally, Ricardo Wurmus commented that there were too many styles of buttons, 
and I agree with him, so I made them homogeneous.

News pages

News list mockup: 
News details mockup: 

I suggest to convert News into a blog instead. This could make it easier to add 
information targeted at different audiences without making the website more 
complex. Additionally, we could move to the blog content like talks, papers, 
and posts currently listed in the Help page.

I remember that Ludovic commented in #guix that he would like a better way to 
display talks in the website... [2] With the design in the mockup above, you 
just click on the "Talks" tag, and you have a nice preview and summary of all 

Also, Haunt, the current static site generator used to build the website, can 
create an atom feed for every tag in the blog, so people can subscribe to 
whatever topic is more interesting to them. Personally, I'd like to subscribe 
to a "Security" feed to keep informed about important security updates (see bug 
#25852). [3]

Packages pages

Package list mockup: 
Package details mockup: 

I actually proposed this update in bug #25227,[4] but decided to review the 
whole website design, so I put it here for reference.

Help page

* Move talks, papers, and posts to the Blog.
* Allow little boxes to be distributed along the whole width of the screen.

Contribute page

* Allow little boxes to be distributed along the whole width of the screen.


Personally, I'd like to be able to access the website at "guixsd.org", and use 
a git repository for deployment of the static website.

However, we are currently using the resources provided by Savannah for hosting, 
which means we have to use a CVS repository to deploy the website. As mentioned 
in bug #25227, using CVS could block the implementation of the packages pages 
as shown in the mockups above (and maybe filtering blog posts by tag) because 
CVS could choke on the thousands of pages that would be generated (if we keep 
using a static website).

To find a solution to this issue, Ludovic sent an email to Savannah admins 
asking for the possibility of using a dynamic website instead. I don't remember 
if there was an answer.

And that's all I'd like to modify regarding the current website.

What do you think?

[1]: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2015-12/msg00873.html
[2]: https://gnunet.org/bot/log/guix/2016-02-27#T934268
[3]: https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=25852
[4]: https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=25227


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