Ludovic Courtès <> writes:

> Mekeor Melire <> skribis:

>> But although I was expecting commit
>> 1728c411718e3b358c06561d6e80b47d7b331617¹ to fix this issue, when I try
>> the ljet4² driver, I still get this error in /var/log/cups/error_log³:

>>     sh: gs: command not found
>>     Process is dying with \"Unable to determine number of pages, page count: 
>> -1
>>     \", exit stat 3

> Just make sure to reconfigure from a recent-enough commit (run ‘guix
> --version’ as root to see which commit you’re using.)

Done. I'm running a recent-enough commit. (Namely

> If it turns out you’re already using CUPS with commit
> 1728c411718e3b358c06561d6e80b47d7b331617, could you reproduce the issue
> while running “strace -p PID -f -s 345 -o log”, where PID is the PID of
> cupsd as shown by ‘herd status cups’?

You can find the log here: <>. These might be the
interesting lines:

    $ grep -E '[^a-zA-Z0-9]gs' log
    31377 execve("/gnu/store/…-bash-static-4.4.12/bin/sh", ["sh", "-c", "gs 
-dNODISPLAY -q -c '/pdffile (/var/spool/cups/tmp/foomatic-4ngnEr) (r) file def 
pdfdict begin pdffile pdfopen begin (PageCount: ) print pdfpagecount == flush 
currentdict pdfclose end end quit'"], 0x149e810 /* 33 vars */ <unfinished ...>
    31377 stat("/gnu/store/…-cups-server-bin/lib/cups/filter/gs", 
0x7ffd7921b5c0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
    31377 stat("/gnu/store/…-cups-2.2.4/bin/gs", 0x7ffd7921b5c0) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
    31377 stat("/gnu/store/…-cups-2.2.4/sbin/gs", 0x7ffd7921b5c0) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
    31377 stat("/bin/gs", 0x7ffd7921b5c0)   = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
    31377 stat("/usr/bin/gs", 0x7ffd7921b5c0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
    31377 write(2, "sh: gs: command not found\n", 26) = 26
    15154 <... read resumed> "sh: gs: command not found\n", 2047) = 26
    15154 write(4, "D [09/Nov/2017:20:06:50 +0100] [Job 13] sh: gs: command not 
found\n", 66) = 66

Thank you for your help! How could we continue debugging?

mekeor ~ EDD3 DFFA 76F6 11C0 145F 9A99 AC85 BAD8 A2F8 C868

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