I submitted a patch to add i3-gaps a couple days ago:


After it got merged into master with the inheritance modification (see
patch), I installed it over the one I had installed from my original
script and it seemed to work fine. But I think that's just because I
didn't reboot to restart the i3 executable.

Now that I shutdown and opened my machine again, i3-gaps specific
commands don't work... To test this, write `i3-msg gaps` in a shell.
If it does NOT work, it will output something like:

brown@121407 ~$ i3-msg gaps
ERROR: Your command: gaps
ERROR:               ^^^^
ERROR: Expected one of these tokens: <a long list of stuff that
represent valid commands>

However, it seems that gaps work if I remove the package, install it
from the original package definition (without Brett's (inherit i3-wm))
and reboot. The following output means that i3-gaps has been correctly

brown@121407 ~$ i3-msg gaps
ERROR: Your command: gaps
ERROR: Expected one of these tokens: 'inner', 'outer', 'horizontal',
'vertical', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'

This is strange. I still don't know enough about the packaging API to
troubleshoot this all just by having a quick look at i3-gaps'
definition. I'll try to investigate this issue but I encourage someone
more knowledgeable than me too look into this too.

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