Jan, Simon,

Janneke 写道:

This is a wonderful resource!  Thank you, Janneke (and Debian)!

zimoun 写道:
But how do you determine the "date", i.e., this reference '20190406T212022Z' ?

You'd take the timestamp immediately preceding your desired (Guix) commit's date, or something like that. The fact that git commit dates aren't linear shouldn't hurt here.

Could it be automated?

Not without parsing HTML to get the valid timestamps: <https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/?year=2020&month=2>.

Also, this doesn't seem to be a supported service yet[0]:

“This is an implementation for a possible snapshot.debian.org service. It's not yet finished, it's more a prototype/proof of concept to show and learn what we want and can provide. So far it seems to actually work.”

Still really cool,


[0]: https://salsa.debian.org/snapshot-team/snapshot

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