Hey Guix,

In Telega neither initiating nor accepting a voice call works:

If I call someone (who has the Telegram App) they can accept the call,
but the app gets stuck connecting.  If either I or the other party hang
up I get a bunch of assertion failures.

If the other party tries to call me I can accept the call, but again
their app gets stuck connecting.  Hanging up has the same effect as

Both actions leave Telega in a broken state (e.g. assertion failures
when I try to enter a chat) and it has to be restarted.

The following error messages in .telega/telega-voip.log seem relevant:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
04-01 20:04:04 E: Error loading libpulse: (null)
04-01 20:04:04 E: Error loading libasound: (null)
04-01 20:04:04 E: Error loading libasound: (null)
04-01 20:04:04 E: Error initializing audio playback
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I'm currently on commit 151f3d4.



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