I'm closing this issue because the package the report was filed against was 
removed from Guix:

gnu: jami-client-gnome: Remove deprecated package.
commit 8551bc64e4322080ef07b5009f4d46229df8d6f3
Date:   Sun Jul 12 18:00:46 2020 +0200

Also, there is a new package for Jami that I tried out:

Guix System 97e98e2
Jami 20200710.1.6bd18d2

I followed the steps below to try reproduce the issue with this new version and 
I could not see any memory leak.

1. $ guix install jami
2. Press Alt+F2 and run "jami"
    2.1. Create a Jami account
3. Press Alt+F2 and run "gnome-system-monitor"
4. Click on "Processes"
5. Locate the "jami" process
6. Observe the "Memory" use for a few hours

Problem solved.

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