It might be related to translations. When you use zh-cn, we have a translation 
for that language, so you're redirected to it. Not sure why you get a 404 

Le 26 février 2021 21:18:12 GMT-05:00, ylc991 <> a écrit :
>Hello! My webbrowser has set ‘Accept-Language’ to 'zh-CN,zh' by
>default, and returns 404. I have tested with curl,
>'zh-CN,zh', 'zh-CN', 'zh-cn' is 404 while 'zh', 'zh_CN' is 200.
>The first time I found it is on 2021-02-23. And it didn't happened
>about one or two months ago. I think there may be something wrong with
>the web server.

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