Em [2021-05-09 dom 22:08:17+0200], Leo Prikler escreveu:

>> Alternatively, I could simply ‘export TZDIR=/usr/share/zoneinfo’ in
>> my environment; then I could even uninstall tzdata from Guix.  But
>> would that work reliably?  That is, does Guix Emacs work reliably
>> with tzdata from the foreign distro?
> I suppose things should just work™ as it's data

I looked at the Guix recipe for tzdata and it seems nontrivial.  There
is compilation with GCC.  Therefore I fear using Debian’s tzdata from
Guix’s Emacs.  I suppose I will continue using Guix’s tzdata.  Indeed, I
recall having heard that Guix packages are not supposed to access files
from the foreign distro outside of a few locations such as the user’s

>> Don’t you mean ‘guix build tzdata’?
> Yes, please pardon my typos :)

Pardoned. :)


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