“texlive-latex-base” provides that file. We disable a whole bunch of formats that we cannot build that early in the process, and then we run fmtutil-sys on the patched file. The cause for trouble lies in texlive-kpathsea, which provides share/texmf-dist/web2c/fmtutil.cnf . That file states how to build the various fmt files.

The file in the earlier version of Tex Live contains this line for the lualatex 

   lualatex luatex language.dat,language.dat.lua lualatex.ini

the new file (on core-updates-frozen) says this:

   lualatex luahbtex language.dat,language.dat.lua lualatex.ini

i.e. it will try to build the lualatex fmt file with luahbtex instead of luatex. I suppose at this point in the build we don’t actually have a working luahbtex, so fmtutil-sys doesn’t generate the correct lualatex.fmt.

I’m not sure how to fix this, but I guess we can avoid a world rebuild by adding an extra package that installs a working lualatex.fmt file.


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