$ guix import go github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest

guix import: warning: Failed to import package 
reason: (#<<git-error> code: -3 message: "reference 'refs/tags/v0.11.22' not 
found" class: 4>).
guix import: error: failed to download meta-data for module 


$ guix import go github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/adal

guix import: warning: Failed to import package 
reason: (#<<git-error> code: -3 message: "reference 'refs/tags/v0.9.17' not found" 
class: 4>).
guix import: error: failed to download meta-data for module 

And, from a different package but seems also similar:

$ guix import go cloud.google.com/go/storage

guix import: warning: Failed to import package "cloud.google.com/go/storage".
reason: (#<<git-error> code: -3 message: "reference 'refs/tags/v1.18.2' not found" 
class: 4>).
guix import: error: failed to download meta-data for module 

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