
Ludovic Courtès <ludovic.cour...@inria.fr> skribis:

> ‘clangd’ fails to find <stddef.h>, as shown here:
> $ printf '#include <stdlib.h>\nint foo (int x) {return x+2; }' > t.c
> $ guix shell -C -D hello --with-c-toolchain=hello=clang-toolchain clang:extra 
> strace
> guix shell: warning: transformation 'with-c-toolchain' had no effect on 
> strace@5.8
> guix shell: warning: transformation 'with-c-toolchain' had no effect on 
> clang@12.0.1
> [env]$ clang -c t.c
> [env]$ clangd --check=t.c
> I[10:02:40.349] clangd version 12.0.1
> I[10:02:40.349] PID: 3
> I[10:02:40.349] Working directory: /home/ludo/tmp/clangd-bug
> I[10:02:40.349] argv[0]: clangd
> I[10:02:40.349] argv[1]: --check=t.c
> I[10:02:40.349] Entering check mode (no LSP server)
> I[10:02:40.349] Testing on source file /home/ludo/tmp/clangd-bug/t.c
> I[10:02:40.349] Loading compilation database...
> I[10:02:40.349] Failed to find compilation database for 
> /home/ludo/tmp/clangd-bug/t.c
> I[10:02:40.349] Generic fallback command is: 
> /gnu/store/nk5lp7wisgdlvds5camvcchgh19hnn23-clang-12.0.1/bin/clang 
> /home/ludo/tmp/clangd-bug/t.c -fsyntax-only 
> -resource-dir=/gnu/store/hnw2acjhfpj5l2zrazj5fvq5ksy002f1-clang-12.0.1-extra/lib/clang/12.0.1
> I[10:02:40.350] Parsing command...
> I[10:02:40.352] internal (cc1) args are: -cc1 -triple 
> x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -fsyntax-only -disable-free -disable-llvm-verifier 
> -discard-value-names -main-file-name t.c -mrelocation-model static 
> -mframe-pointer=all -fmath-errno -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases 
> -munwind-tables -target-cpu x86-64 -tune-cpu generic 
> -fno-split-dwarf-inlining -debugger-tuning=gdb -resource-dir 
> /gnu/store/hnw2acjhfpj5l2zrazj5fvq5ksy002f1-clang-12.0.1-extra/lib/clang/12.0.1
>  -c-isystem /gnu/store/xl7wammzljnp0rg496n96h5m69y25isg-profile/include 
> -cxx-isystem /gnu/store/xl7wammzljnp0rg496n96h5m69y25isg-profile/include 
> -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem 
> /gnu/store/hnw2acjhfpj5l2zrazj5fvq5ksy002f1-clang-12.0.1-extra/lib/clang/12.0.1/include
>  -internal-externc-isystem 
> /gnu/store/fa6wj5bxkj5ll1d7292a70knmyl7a0cr-glibc-2.31/include 
> -fdebug-compilation-dir /home/ludo/tmp/clangd-bug -ferror-limit 19 
> -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -faddrsig -x c /home/ludo/tmp/clangd-bug/t.c
> I[10:02:40.352] Building preamble...
> I[10:02:40.368] Indexing headers...
> E[10:02:40.382] [pp_file_not_found] Line 1: in included file: 'stddef.h' file 
> not found
> I[10:02:40.382] Building AST...
> I[10:02:40.386] Indexing AST...
> I[10:02:40.386] Testing features at each token (may be slow in large files)
> I[10:02:40.387] All checks completed, 1 errors

Fixed with 35ea49daf6cdef5bf6156dd90add77cede364a4b (thanks, Greg!).


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