Hi Maxime,

Maxime Devos <maximede...@telenet.be> writes:

> Ludovic Courtès schreef op ma 28-02-2022 om 12:45 [+0100]:
>> It might be easier to rewrite in Awk in build srfi-14.i.c
>> unconditionally no?
> I don't know any Awk and it seems to be quite different from languages
> I know, so for me doing that isn't easier.  But for someone who knows
> some Awk, sure!

Well, I don’t consider myself an Awk person, but I had to implement it
for Gash-Utils, so I know it well enough!  This may not be the most
idiomatic Awk program, but to my eyes it is no less readable than the
Perl version.

Note that this Awk script needs to be invoked using something like:

    $ awk -f unidata_to_charset.awk < UnicodeData.txt > srfi-14.i.c

That is, the Perl version had the file names hard-coded, but the Awk
version reads from stdin and writes to stdout.  Also, the Awk version
does not shell out to 'indent' to post-process the file.  That was
basically a no-op in the Perl version, so I removed it.

There are a few differences in how the script is structured, and I had
to convert all the hex literals to decimal, but the logical behaviour
should be exactly the same.  I preserved all the comments and predicates
exactly from the Perl version.  There’s probably some differences in
error handling, but the input data is so simple that it shouldn’t

It runs with “gawk --posix”.  If I run “gawk --lint”, I get warnings,
but I’m pretty sure they are spurious (they may even be Gawk bugs, but I
would have to double check the relevant specs and docs).  If the lint
warnings are a problem, you can append the empty string to the argument
of the ‘hex’ function to make them go away.  Also, (as a bonus) as of
commit 62c56f9 the Gash-Utils version of Awk can run this script!  :)

Of course, to use this script as part of the Guile build, someone™ will
have to double check that we can legally redistribute the Unicode data
file (probably okay, but always good to check), and update the build
rules to generate the C file.  I can’t guarantee that I’ll get to it....

-- Tim

# unidata_to_charset.awk --- Compute SRFI-14 charsets from UnicodeData.txt
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

# Utilities

# Print MESSAGE to standard error, and exit with STATUS.
function die(status, message) {
    print "unidata_to_charset.awk:", message | "cat 1>&2";
    exit_status = status;
    exit exit_status;

# Parse the string S as a hexadecimal number.  Note that R, C, and B are
# local variables that need not be set by callers.  Most Awk
# implementations have an 'strtonum' function that we could use, but it
# is not part of POSIX.
function hex(s, r, c, b) {
    if (length(s) == 0) {
        die(1, "Cannot parse empty string as hexadecimal.");
    r = 0;
    for (i = 1; i <= length(s); i++) {
        c = substr(s, i, 1);
        b = 0;
        if      (c == "0") { b =  0; }
        else if (c == "1") { b =  1; }
        else if (c == "2") { b =  2; }
        else if (c == "3") { b =  3; }
        else if (c == "4") { b =  4; }
        else if (c == "5") { b =  5; }
        else if (c == "6") { b =  6; }
        else if (c == "7") { b =  7; }
        else if (c == "8") { b =  8; }
        else if (c == "9") { b =  9; }
        else if (c == "A") { b = 10; }
        else if (c == "B") { b = 11; }
        else if (c == "C") { b = 12; }
        else if (c == "D") { b = 13; }
        else if (c == "E") { b = 14; }
        else if (c == "F") { b = 15; }
        else { die(1, "Invalid hexadecimal character: " c); }
        r *= 16;
        r += b;
    return r;

# Program initialization

    # The columns are separated by semicolons.
    FS = ";";

    # This will help us handle errors.
    exit_status = 0;

    # List of charsets.
    all_charsets_count = 0;
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "lower_case";
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "upper_case";
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "title_case";
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "letter";
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "digit";
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "hex_digit";
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "letter_plus_digit";
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "graphic";
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "whitespace";
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "printing";
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "iso_control";
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "punctuation";
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "symbol";
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "blank";
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "ascii";
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "empty";
    all_charsets[all_charsets_count++] = "designated";

    # Initialize charset state table.
    for (i in all_charsets) {
        cs = all_charsets[i];
        state[cs, "start"] = -1;
        state[cs, "end"] = -1;
        state[cs, "count"] = 0;

# Record initialization

# In this block we give names to each field, and do some basic
# initialization.
    codepoint = hex($1);
    name = $2;
    category = $3;
    uppercase = $13;
    lowercase = $14;

    codepoint_end = codepoint;
    charset_index = 0;
    for (i in charsets) {
        delete charsets[i];

# Some pairs of lines in UnicodeData.txt delimit ranges of
# characters.
name ~ /First>$/ {
    last_name = name;
    sub(/First>$/, "Last>", last_name);
    if (last_name != $2) {
        die(1, "Invalid range in Unicode data.");
        exit_status = 1;
        exit 1;
    codepoint_end = hex($1);

# Character set predicates

## The lower_case character set

# For Unicode, we follow Java's specification: a character is
# lowercase if
#    * it is not in the range [U+2000,U+2FFF] ([8192,12287]), and
#    * the Unicode attribute table does not give a lowercase mapping
#      for it, and
#    * at least one of the following is true:
#          o the Unicode attribute table gives a mapping to uppercase
#            for the character, or
#          o the name for the character in the Unicode attribute table
#            contains the words "SMALL LETTER" or "SMALL LIGATURE".

(codepoint < 8192 || codepoint > 12287) &&
lowercase == "" &&
(uppercase != "" || name ~ /(SMALL LETTER|SMALL LIGATURE)/) {
    charsets[charset_index++] = "lower_case";

## The upper_case character set

# For Unicode, we follow Java's specification: a character is
# uppercase if
#    * it is not in the range [U+2000,U+2FFF] ([8192,12287]), and
#    * the Unicode attribute table does not give an uppercase mapping
#      for it (this excludes titlecase characters), and
#    * at least one of the following is true:
#          o the Unicode attribute table gives a mapping to lowercase
#            for the character, or
#          o the name for the character in the Unicode attribute table
#            contains the words "CAPITAL LETTER" or "CAPITAL LIGATURE".

(codepoint < 8192 || codepoint > 12287) &&
uppercase == "" &&
(lowercase != "" || name ~ /(CAPITAL LETTER|CAPITAL LIGATURE)/) {
    charsets[charset_index++] = "upper_case";

## The title_case character set

# A character is titlecase if it has the category Lt in the character
# attribute database.

category == "Lt" {
    charsets[charset_index++] = "title_case";

## The letter character set

# A letter is any character with one of the letter categories (Lu, Ll,
# Lt, Lm, Lo) in the Unicode character database.

category == "Lu" ||
category == "Ll" ||
category == "Lt" ||
category == "Lm" ||
category == "Lo" {
    charsets[charset_index++] = "letter";
    charsets[charset_index++] = "letter_plus_digit";

## The digit character set

# A character is a digit if it has the category Nd in the character
# attribute database. In Latin-1 and ASCII, the only such characters
# are 0123456789. In Unicode, there are other digit characters in
# other code blocks, such as Gujarati digits and Tibetan digits.

category == "Nd" {
    charsets[charset_index++] = "digit";
    charsets[charset_index++] = "letter_plus_digit";

## The hex_digit character set

# The only hex digits are 0123456789abcdefABCDEF.

(codepoint >= 48 && codepoint <= 57) ||
(codepoint >= 65 && codepoint <= 70) ||
(codepoint >= 97 && codepoint <= 102) {
    charsets[charset_index++] = "hex_digit";

## The graphic character set

# Characters that would 'use ink' when printed

category ~ /L|M|N|P|S/ {
    charsets[charset_index++] = "graphic";
    charsets[charset_index++] = "printing";

## The whitespace character set

# A whitespace character is either
#    * a character with one of the space, line, or paragraph separator
#      categories (Zs, Zl or Zp) of the Unicode character database.
#    * U+0009 (09) Horizontal tabulation (\t control-I)
#    * U+000A (10) Line feed (\n control-J)
#    * U+000B (11) Vertical tabulation (\v control-K)
#    * U+000C (12) Form feed (\f control-L)
#    * U+000D (13) Carriage return (\r control-M)

category ~ /Zs|Zl|Zp/ ||
(codepoint >= 9 && codepoint <= 13) {
    charsets[charset_index++] = "whitespace";
    charsets[charset_index++] = "printing";

## The iso_control character set

# The ISO control characters are the Unicode/Latin-1 characters in the
# ranges [U+0000,U+001F] ([0,31]) and [U+007F,U+009F] ([127,159]).

(codepoint >= 0 && codepoint <= 31) ||
(codepoint >= 127 && codepoint <= 159) {
    charsets[charset_index++] = "iso_control";

## The punctuation character set

# A punctuation character is any character that has one of the
# punctuation categories in the Unicode character database (Pc, Pd,
# Ps, Pe, Pi, Pf, or Po.)

# Note that srfi-14 gives conflicting requirements!!  It claims that
# only the Unicode punctuation is necessary, but, explicitly calls out
# the soft hyphen character (U+00AD) as punctution.  Current versions
# of Unicode consider U+00AD to be a formatting character, not
# punctuation.

category ~ /P/ {
    charsets[charset_index++] = "punctuation";

## The symbol character set

# A symbol is any character that has one of the symbol categories in
# the Unicode character database (Sm, Sc, Sk, or So).

category ~ /S/ {
    charsets[charset_index++] = "symbol";

## The blank character set

# Blank chars are horizontal whitespace.  A blank character is either
#    * a character with the space separator category (Zs) in the
#      Unicode character database.
#    * U+0009 (9) Horizontal tabulation (\t control-I)

category ~ /Zs/ || codepoint == 9 {
    charsets[charset_index++] = "blank";

## The ascii character set

codepoint <= 127 {
    charsets[charset_index++] = "ascii";

## The designated character set

category !~ /Cs/ {
    charsets[charset_index++] = "designated";

## Other character sets

# Note that the "letter_plus_digit" and "printing" character sets, which
# are unions of other character sets, are included in the patterns
# matching their constituent parts (i.e., the "letter_plus_digit"
# character set is included as part of the "letter" and "digit"
# patterns).
# Also, the "empty" character is computed by doing precisely nothing!

# Keeping track of state

# Update the state for each charset.
    for (i in charsets) {
        cs = charsets[i];
        if (state[cs, "start"] == -1) {
            state[cs, "start"] = codepoint;
            state[cs, "end"] = codepoint_end;
        } else if (state[cs, "end"] + 1 == codepoint) {
            state[cs, "end"] = codepoint_end;
        } else {
            count = state[cs, "count"];
            state[cs, "count"]++;
            state[cs, "ranges", count, 0] = state[cs, "start"];
            state[cs, "ranges", count, 1] = state[cs, "end"];
            state[cs, "start"] = codepoint;
            state[cs, "end"] = codepoint_end;

# Printing and error handling

    # Normally, an exit statement runs all the 'END' blocks before
    # actually exiting.  We use the 'exit_status' variable to short
    # circuit the rest of the 'END' block by reissuing the exit
    # statement.
    if (exit_status != 0) {
        exit exit_status;

    # Write a bit of a header.
    print("/* srfi-14.i.c -- standard SRFI-14 character set data */");
    print("/* This file is #include'd by srfi-14.c.  */");
    print("/* This file was generated from");
    print("   http://unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt";);
    print("   with the unidata_to_charset.awk script.  */");

    for (i = 0; i < all_charsets_count; i++) {
        cs = all_charsets[i];

        # Extra logic to ensure that the last range is included.
        if (state[cs, "start"] != -1) {
            count = state[cs, "count"];
            state[cs, "count"]++;
            state[cs, "ranges", count, 0] = state[cs, "start"];
            state[cs, "ranges", count, 1] = state[cs, "end"];

        count = state[cs, "count"];

        print("static const scm_t_char_range cs_" cs "_ranges[] = {");
        for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
            rstart = state[cs, "ranges", j, 0];
            rend = state[cs, "ranges", j, 1];
            if (j + 1 < count) {
                printf("  {0x%04x, 0x%04x},\n", rstart, rend);
            } else {
                printf("  {0x%04x, 0x%04x}\n", rstart, rend);

        count = state[cs, "count"];
        printf("static const size_t cs_%s_len = %d;\n", cs, count);
        if (i + 1 < all_charsets_count) {

# And we're done.

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