
On 2022-12-11 10:39:56 +0100, Ludovic Courtès wrote:
> Hello Guix!
> The second release candidate of the upcoming 1.4.0 release is now
> available for testing, fixing issues that were reported for rc1:
>   source:
>     https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/guix/guix-1.4.0rc2.tar.gz
>   binary tarball (to install on a “foreign distro”):
>     https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/guix/guix-binary-1.4.0rc2.aarch64-linux.tar.xz
>     https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/guix/guix-binary-1.4.0rc2.armhf-linux.tar.xz
>     https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/guix/guix-binary-1.4.0rc2.i686-linux.tar.xz
> https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/guix/guix-binary-1.4.0rc2.powerpc64le-linux.tar.xz
>     https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/guix/guix-binary-1.4.0rc2.x86_64-linux.tar.xz
>   system installation:
>     https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/guix/guix-system-install-1.4.0rc2.i686-linux.iso
> https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/guix/guix-system-install-1.4.0rc2.x86_64-linux.iso
>   virtual machine image:
> https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/guix/guix-system-vm-image-1.4.0rc2.x86_64-linux.qcow2
> SHA256 hashes:
>   3b6c676615ce0b9de7c66ead528a91bb8520b74d2c391e0000dac8d4c76d2d52  
> guix-1.4.0rc2.tar.gz
>   3566bfe5f0615f9b2167db7d1a2f1c88c02e8cc5013563b3e1eb95636a58f850  
> guix-binary-1.4.0rc2.aarch64-linux.tar.xz
>   18741b6780e9d0f8985d2514e5dff32110091cdf4da106062d1a2cf5cd6ed6a4  
> guix-binary-1.4.0rc2.armhf-linux.tar.xz
>   3d8348c2dbed8f9c6ab90f2ddc0df8c10d45c042612aed1fe7dcc7eabbc18b70  
> guix-binary-1.4.0rc2.i686-linux.tar.xz
>   4731126cc4f3f22265ae430e2acc3f67489ec311e42de346b634656740258033  
> guix-binary-1.4.0rc2.powerpc64le-linux.tar.xz
>   542e53a09fddedbddd75dfc745509ad9365cb7a76750d9bf8575b589c97dc286  
> guix-binary-1.4.0rc2.x86_64-linux.tar.xz
>   b35f94609942b9715acefa978166189c5505934c9576b1c3e14417beb5c48d6d  
> guix-system-install-1.4.0rc2.i686-linux.iso
>   880a1ee977f6999f635352222d5667930d1d859a607c723573c86bd9f6c2ae69  
> guix-system-install-1.4.0rc2.x86_64-linux.iso
>   8bc98e42ba9370f49cfc2b051083121d8682c760ac3dac614b3f478d174c8756  
> guix-system-vm-image-1.4.0rc2.x86_64-linux.qcow2
> All these files have an associated ‘.sig’, an OpenPGP signature that you
> can verify as explained at
> <https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Binary-Installation.html> [0].
> You can help by:
>   1. Testing the binary tarball on the distro of your choice.  You can
>      download <https://guix.gnu.org/install.sh> and uncomment the
>      ‘GNU_URL’ variable assignment that refers to alpha.gnu.org.  It
>      should pick up 1.4.0rc2 automatically.
>   2. Testing the graphical installer of Guix System (the ISO images).

I booted up the installer under qemu (that is how far my current
knowledge of guix allows me to test :) ), and I did notice that the
first "weird" language is not rendered properly under 1.4.0rc2. I
attached screenshots of 1.3.0 installer and 1.4.0rc2 installer. Notice
that under 1.4.0rc2 there are just square boxes instead of the

Qemu is running with -display gtk, but I do not believe that should
actually matter. Invocation looks like this:

qemu-system-x86_64 \
        -bios /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF.fd \
        -display gtk \
        -enable-kvm \
        ${use_install:+-cdrom} ${use_install:+"$guix_sys_install_iso"} \
        -hda "$guix_sys_vm_img" \
        -hdb "$new_img_a" \
        -hdd "$new_img_b" \
        -m 4096 \
        -machine type=q35,accel=kvm \
        -cpu host \
        -smp 2 \
        -device VGA,vgamem_mb=64 \
        -net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp: \
        -monitor unix:"$mon_socket",server,nowait \
local,path="$host_dir",mount_tag=shared,security_model=none,readonly=on \

I can share full script if desired (but I think the variables are
pretty much self-describing).

>   3. Testing the VM image, along the lines of
> <https://guix.gnu.org/manual/devel/en/html_node/Running-Guix-in-a-VM.html>.
> Please report success to guix-de...@gnu.org, and report bugs and
> annoyances to bug-guix@gnu.org.
> If not serious problems are reported, we may release 1.4.0 on Dec. 19th.
> Thanks in advance!
> Ludo’.
> [0] Replacing https://sv.gnu.org/people/viewgpg.php?user_id=127547 by
>     https://sv.gnu.org/people/viewgpg.php?user_id=15145 in the
>     instructions.  This will only be reflected on the website after the
>     release is made.


There are only two hard things in Computer Science:
cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.

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