> So it's not the LD_DEBUG output that hold a clue, but rather the
> Python traceback.

> The nvr package in ~/.local seems to be used instead of a Guix
> package. That locally installed nvr package expects to use the host's
> libc, but since the python interpreter being used has a fixed RPATH
> and system search path it won't find it.

Ah, I see.

> .nvr-real should definitely be using the Python code inside the
> store, I wonder why that isn't being done.  Maybe our
> sitecustomize.py is misbehaving?  Can you do `guix shell
> python-neovim-remote python -- python3` then type `import sys.path;
> sys.path`?

$ guix shell python-neovim-remote python -- python3
>>> sys.path

(It's not from the environment:)

$ guix shell python-neovim-remote python --pure -- python3
>>> sys.path
>>> os.environ
environ({'HOME': '/home/alm', 'LOGNAME': 'alm', 'PAGER': 'less', 'DISPLAY': 
':0', 'USER': 'alm', 'TERM': 'xterm-256color', 'PATH': 
'/gnu/store/ll75wx2cvm1dbbxjr095lcs1653q2zz1-profile/bin', 'GUIX_PYTHONPATH': 
 'GUIX_ENVIRONMENT': '/gnu/store/ll75wx2cvm1dbbxjr095lcs1653q2zz1-profile'})

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