
GnuCash 5.3, as packaged in Guix, cannot access quote sources. When adding a 
new security, it displays "Warning: Finance::Quote not installed properly." and 
the "Get Online Quotes" checkbox is greyed out.

I am on an up-to-date Guix System and the rest of GnuCash seems to be working 

It seems the package perl-finance-quote was not automatically installed with 
gnucash, so I installed it. I then tried to follow the steps in the upstream 
doc: https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v4/C/gnucash-help/finance-quote-install.html
But it did not change the result.

The flatpak version of GnuCash from flathub.org (also 5.3) appears to be 
working (on the same Guix System).

Best regards,

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