Hey Ludo,

> Should ‘guix import pypi’ attempt to get dependency information from
> ‘pyproject.toml’, in addition to ‘requirements.txt’ and wheel ‘METADATA’
> as it already does?

yes it should. It’s the next logical step after having a
pyproject-build-system. The python-team branch (not sure whether Ricardo
had time to merge it yet) adds a TOML parser to Guix as a first step.

> It might be more complicated than we’d like: in some cases, that file
> seems to be used as a “trampoline” to Poetry.  For instance, in
> python-pypugjs, the ‘requires’ bit delegates everything to Poetry:

The file is always a trampoline to other build systems, like setuptools
or poetry. That’s (unfortunately) by design, see the [build-system]

> [tool.poetry.dependencies]
> python = "^3.8"
> Jinja2 = "^3.1.1"
> Mako = "^1.1.3"
> tornado = "^6.0.4"
> six = "^1.15.0"
> coverage = "^6.3.2"
> nose = "^1.3.7"
> Flask = "^2.1.1"
> charset-normalizer = "^2.1.0"
> flake8 = "^4.0.1"

That’s unfortunate, because the
specification includes a common field for dependencies:
I guess we’ll have to deal with these idiosyncracies as well :(


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