On 7 May 2024 02:04:44 GMT, Divya <di...@subvertising.org> wrote:
>Here is my `bootloader` section of `config.scm`:
>(bootloader (bootloader-configuration (bootloader grub-bootloader) (targets 
>(list "/dev/sda"))          (menu-entries (list                     
>(menu-entry                     (label "Arch Linux")                    
>(device (uuid "886fb01f-323f-40ab-9434-9f00feb96446" 'ext4))                   
> (linux "/boot/vmlinuz-linux-rt")                        (linux-arguments 
>'("root=UUID=886fb01f-323f-40ab-9434-9f00feb96446 rw quiet"))                  
>        (initrd "/boot/initramfs-linux-rt.img"))))      (default-entry 0) 
>(keyboard-layout keyboard-layout)))
>I am trying to dual boot Guix with Arch, the former resides in `/dev/sda8` and 
>the latter at `/dev/sdb1`. But the aforementioned configuration doesn't load 
>Arch's kernel resulting in a 'kernel not found error' on the GRUB screen.
>I have tried to do some troubleshooting by changing the parameters, but 
>nothing seems to be working. And importantly, when I checked at the GRUB cli 
>by doing `ls`, I see `/dev/sdb1` to be `(hd1,msdos1)` but with `ls` it shows 
>that no file system is detected on it, when it has the `ext4` filesystem that 
>I can access by mounting it.
>What could be causing this? I checked `/boot/grub/grub.cfg` and it is trying 
>to search the appropriate disk using UUID but because of the filesystem error, 
>it can't access it and thus the kernel doesn't boot.
>I'd like some help on this, also `os-prober` correctly identifies the Arch 
>distro. Can I use it with my `config.scm`? Probably not? Is it possible to 
>integrate it? I have some familiarity with bootloaders, I'd like to see if I 
>can contribute here.

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