Almudena Garcia, le mer. 08 févr. 2023 01:02:46 +0100, a ecrit:
> Where is the original message of this thread?

It's on the summer-of-code list.


> El mié, 8 feb 2023 a las 0:40, Samuel Thibault (<[1]>)
> escribió:
>     Hello Jose,
>     - GNU Hurd
>     - The GNU Hurd is the GNU project's replacement for the Unix kernel. It
>       is a collection of servers that run on the Mach microkernel to
>       implement file systems, network protocols, file access control, and
>       other features that are implemented by the Unix kernel or similar
>       kernels (such as Linux).
>     - [2]
>     - Porting Rust to GNU/Hurd
>     - The goal of this project is to make the Rust language
>     ([3] available on GNU/Hurd.
>     The Rust language is being used more and more widely, and notably in
>     rather fundamental libraries such as librsvg or python-cryptography. It
>     is thus more and more pressing for GNU/Hurd to have a compiler for Rust.
>     The Rust compiler itself is quite portable, but its runtime library,
>     libstd, needs to be ported to the GNU/Hurd system. This essentially
>     consists in telling Rust how the standard C library functions can be
>     called.
>     And example of the main part of such port can be seen for the VxWorks
>     port:
>     [4]
>     The bulk of such a file can be mostly generated from the libc C
>     headers thanks to the bindgen tool, it then needs to be cleaned up and
>     integrated into the Rust build infrastructure, some preliminary work had
>     already been investigated in that part.
>     A cross-bootstrap from Linux will then need to be achieved to build
>     rustc and cargo, and then it will be self-hosted on GNU/Hurd.
>     - A good level of C programming will be welcome to understand the
>     questions of ABI and the libc C functions being bound.
>     Knowing the Rust language is not required: it can be learnt along the
>     way, this can be a good occasion.
>     - [5]
>     - [6]
>     rust/
>     [7]
> [8]
>     Samuel
> References:
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> [8]

Pour une évaluation indépendante, transparente et rigoureuse !
Je soutiens la Commission d'Évaluation de l'Inria.

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