[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Niels Möller) writes:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Bushnell, BSG) writes:
> > I have a more concrete idea about how to change diskfs into an
> > "ordered writes" instead of a "synchronous writes" model.  If someone
> > prods me, I can explain it.
> Please do.

Suppose diskfs/ufs/ext2fs needs to guarantee that block A is written
before block B.

Right now, it just does a synchronous update of block A before
proceeding to the modification of B.  That guarantees it, at some
cost.  (It's the way BSD always worked, by the way.)

The ordered writes way is to make both modifications, but keep track
of the dependency: "A must be written before B".  

When a block gets written, you can delete all records saying that it
must be written before other things.  For example, if your table says
"A must be written before B", and you are now writing A, you can drop
that entry

But if the table says "A must be written before B", and the pager is
now presented with block B to be written, it must *first* go find the
block A and have it written.  

I think the best way to do arrange both of these is the following
algorithm (in the pageout routine):

  while (table contains a block A that must be written before this block)
    mark table "waiting for block A to be written"
    ask kernel to pageout block A
    wait on condition
  for each (block A such that this block must be written first)
    remove mark from table
    if (table marked "waiting for this block to be written")
      wakeup condition

This is not quite enough yet, however.

There are cases (as noted before) where the following sequence arises:

write block A
write block B
write block A again

and where the writes *must* occur in that sequence.  (This often
happens when block A contains two inodes, and block B must be written
*after* the update of the first, and *before* the update of the

If no actual pageouts happen until after all three writes, then the
table will contain two records:
  "A must be written before B"
  "B must be written before A"
And as soon as a pageout happens, you'll get a deadlock.

And indeed, by that time, there's nothing you can do, because the
intermediate state of block A is gone forever.

So the "add mark to table" routine must detect cycles.  To say "block
A must be written before block B" you must:

  while (table contains "block B must be written before block A"
      [TRANSITIVELY, even if not identically])
    mark table "waiting for block A to be written"
    ask kernel to pageout block A
    wait for condition
  mark table "block A must be written before block B"

Now, one final wrinkle.  Suppose we are changing A, and then B, and the
modification to A must get written first.  Then which should you do:

modify A
mark table "A must be written before B"
modify B


modify A
modify B
mark table "A must be written before B"

The answer is clearly, the former.


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