On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 02:15:53PM -0700, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:
> I was just told that the setgid bit does get inherited on the new
> directories. 

Not in the Hurd, though.  I guess this would only be so if you activate
the sysvgroups option (assuming you are cool with such an option)

> > By the way, the scenario described by Thomas doesn't work for /tmp, as
> > it gives users access to each others' temp files.  (Provided, that is,
> > that you use group 0 as "wheel", as is currently the case with several
> > Linux distributions.)
> That's incorrect.  /tmp is owned by group zero, but none of the users
> are in group zero, so their files don't inherit gid from the
> directory.  (You only inherit gid if you are a member of the group.)

That's not true.  On the Hurd, the group is always inherited, regardless
if you are in the group or not.  Is this a bug?


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