El Monday, 19 de May de 2008 11:38:56 Anatoly A. Kazantsev escribió:
> > http://freehg.org/u/ArneBab/pyhurd/
> OK, I see. Do I need register on freehg.org to have a write access to repo?

Yes (it's free). 
I'll then add you to the Owners, and then you'll have full access. 

> Let's solve problems step by step :-) You need to install python-dev
> package.

That did it :) 

(I'm quite new to Debian, so I didn't know that there is a python-dev 

The tests also work. 

I'll see what I can do with it as soon as I find some time. 

Best wishes, 
Unpolitisch sein
Heißt politisch sein
Ohne es zu merken. 
- Arne Babenhauserheide ( http://draketo.de )

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