Hi Andrei, 

I'm preparing a Hurd GSoC codeswarm right now, but I wasn't able to convert
your Darcs repository into a Mercurial repo (which I use as base for the

I aggregate changesets via a customized Mercurial log style and repository
difference checks (incoming checks), so I can't just take a darcs log and
add it to the repo without a deep rewrite of my scripts.

Can you convert it to Mercurial or git, or even streamline to Subversion,
so I can use the changesets?

Best wishes,
PS: Sorry for the wrong post, I somehow shuffled projects in my mind... 
-- My stuff: http://draketo.de - stories, songs, poems, programs and stuff :)
-- Infinite Hands: http://infinite-hands.draketo.de - singing a part of the 
history of free software.
-- Ein Würfel System: http://1w6.org - einfach saubere (Rollenspiel-) Regeln.

-- PGP/GnuPG: http://draketo.de/inhalt/ich/pubkey.txt

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