Hi Gianluca,

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 01:07:27AM +0200, Gianluca Guida wrote:

> Hm, funny things happens while grepping past mail.

Hehe... Nice to see you here :-)

> > This is a non-trivial problem. Other unionfs implementations
> > probably spent considerable time figuring out how to do it best. I
> > entreated Gianluca to check what over implementations do, instead of
> > trying to reinvent the wheel -- but he wouldn't listen :-(
> Olaf. When would have this happened?

I can't say exactly. But I distincly remember that you discussed the
semantics of file deletion in unionfs on IRC with some others. Various
ideas were thrown around, problems pointed out -- it was obvious that
this is really a complex topic hard to figure out.

And it appeared to me that every implementation of unionfs must face the
very same problems. So I suggested checking how others have solved it --
surely the popular implementations in Linux etc. have spent a lot of
thought on that, and the conclusions shouldn't be any different for

I hope the way I wrote this above wasn't offensive -- I see now that it
might be :-(


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