
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 05:48:14PM +0200, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 30. September 2009 17:36:26 schrieb Sergiu Ivanov:
> > I wanted to simply add the contents of the README file to the page I
> > mention in the other E-mail, but having read it, I came to the
> > conclusion that that README is really useless :-( It stresses wrong
> > points and describes yet non-existent features.  That's why I
> > concocted a brand new piece of documentation and added it to the wiki.
> Great! 
> It reads nice, but I miss an info: How can I activate nsmux, so I
> can use the magic filenames?

Thank you for pointing out! :-) I've added short usage instructions to
the nsmux page.  I'll be working hard to remove that ugly remark about
running nsmux as normal user.


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