Am Dienstag, 10. November 2009 16:59:53 schrieb
> Why would I want to use two levels of aliases? I'd simply define:
>    go() { firefox"$*"; }

Because I know my bash less well than you know yours :-) 

> There are other reasons though why I'll stay with the netrik-based
> variant I mentioned before for now :-)

One additional idea: How about being able to call the GUI commands from the 

(btw: KDE offers part of that via dbus/dcop, but not really perfect, I think, 
because it's too complex to use)

Best wishes, 

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Ein Mann wird auf der Straße mit einem Messer bedroht. 
Zwei Polizisten sind sofort da und halten ein Transparent davor. 

        "Illegale Szene. Niemand darf das sehen."

Der Mann wird ausgeraubt, erstochen und verblutet, 
denn die Polizisten haben beide Hände voll zu tun. 

Willkommen in Deutschland. Zensur ist schön. 
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

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