Carl Fredrik Hammar, le Sun 27 Dec 2009 22:24:24 +0100, a écrit :
> OK, I think I have a vague picture of what is going on:
> ports_interrupt_self_on_port_death
> ports_interrupt_self_on_notification
> ports_interrupt_rpc_on_notification,
> which requests notification (to the same port as
> auth_server_authenticate).

But in another task (auth vs ext2fs). That's where I've still not found
what makes ext2fs return EINTR.

> When rendezvous port dies we get the notification:

Here we seemingly see ext2fs get the notification, but why?

> ports_notify_server
> ports_do_mach_notify_dead_name
> ports_dead_name
> ports_interrupt_notified_rpcs
> hurd_thread_cancel (in glibc)
> _hurdsig_abort_rpcs,
> which does some funky stuff that seems to hijack any pending RPCs
> to make them return EINTR.


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