
First of all, for those who haven't heard yet: we are participating in
Google Summer of Code again, under the GNU Project umbrella.

Now that the new GSoC software is finally rolled out on
google-melange.com, mentors can sign up for the organisations. It's
about time: students will start sending their applications on monday!

So if you want to mentor students for the Hurd, please sign up for GNU.
The procedure is a bit quirky; took me a while to figure out. First, go


There you should see a "Register" button. Once you are done with that,
go *again* to the above URL (make sure you reload the page if it's in
the browser cache), and now you should see a "Request" button instead.
Leave a message saying that you want to mentor for the Hurd, and
(hopefully) some time soon you should get a confirmation.

BTW, we already have a couple of promising student candidates asking
stuff on IRC :-)


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