Hi Ludovic,

Am Dienstag, 26. März 2013, 18:24:06 schrieb Ludovic Courtès:
> GSoC-wise, possible projects include:
>   • porting the distribution to GNU/Hurd (but again, I’d rather rely on
>     published source tarballs of the Hurd, libc, etc. than on Git
>     checkouts);
>   • working on the integration of Guix on the Hurd, via unionfs/stowfs
>     in particular.
> WDYT?  Should we update the items in the ideas page to point to Guix?
> Should we add new items?

That sounds pretty nice. I watched your presentation on Guix and liked it a 
lot. The main reasons why I did not try it yet are time and being happy with 
Gentoo… and that I’m consistently out of diskspace… :)

But transparent binary packages sound really nice and the concept of defining 
packages as lisp files is quite close to the ebuilds I know from Gentoo - maybe 
even closer, because it might need less shell hacks.

I think a really worthwhile goal would be to add a compatibility layer between 
debian source packages and Guix, so we can avoid splitting our efforts on 
different code organization methods.

Maybe a Guix package which essentially just refers to a debian source package - 
for getting the version as well as for getting the code.

Best wishes and the best of luck with Guix!
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