
On Tue, 30 Apr 2013 13:53:59 -0700, "Tekk" <t...@parlementum.net> wrote:
> I'm interested in taking on the perl binding gsoc project, but it seems
> that there are currently no listed mentors for this project. anyone
> want to step up? If not, I'll be willing to try out the python
> bindings, assuming that anatoly is still up to it.

It's not »willing to try out« what is needed here, but instead you need
to convice us and the other GNU GSoC mentors that it is *your project*
that should be accepted, why and that you're the right guy to be working
on this.  :-)

At which level do the existing LISP/Perl/Python bindings work?  Wrap the
C entry/callback points provided by libtrivfs/libnetfs/libdiskfs?  In the
course of the Java bindings project, we established that we'd rather
attack the RPC interface directly, that is, parse (in whichever way) RPC
declaration files (such as the *.defs files used with MIG), and handle
the marshalling in the respective language itself, the mach_msg (plus
perhaps a handful of system calls) being the only external interface.

There are people available in the GNU Hurd community, who know their
share of the Mach RPC interface and surely would be willing to help with
that aspect; what a GSoC project's mentor needs to offer guidance with is
how to express/design/implement such a RPC interface in the respective
programming language/environment (such as the object-oriented hierarchy
devised for the Java bindings).  Anatoly, would you be able to be a
mentor for the Python bindings?


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