At Fri, 12 Jul 2013 15:07:59 +0200,
Justus Winter wrote:
> Quoting Samuel Thibault (2013-07-12 14:44:31)
> > Neal H. Walfield, le Fri 12 Jul 2013 13:52:17 +0200, a écrit :
> > > I apologize if you've already explained this someplace else.
> > > 
> > > If I understand correctly, you want to get all the nodes with active
> > > and passive translators.  This potentially requires scanning every
> > > inode on an ext3 file system.  This could take a very long time.  Is
> > > that really the intention?
> That's an interesting point. Btw, settrans --recursive is currently
> implemented like this, I'll patch this also to use the translator
> list.

--recursive only applies to the active translators, not the passive
translators.  Also, it doesn't need to shutdown shortcut translators,
such as, symlinks, which should perhaps be returned by your proposed

> > No, just the active ones.
> Actually the code also tracks passive translators being set, but of
> course we don't know anything about any previously set passive
> translators.

I don't like this behavior.

> Richard and me agreed that for most purposes one needs an
> mtab file for (e.g. fsck) it is also interesting to know whether a
> passive translator is set and what device it would use because any
> user could trigger the translator start at any time.

I don't think this justifies the ugliness.

I don't like your solution to the mtab problem.  But, as you admit,
it's really a solution to the fsck problem.  So, let's think about the
fsck problem.  What we need is a registry.  I propose an mtab
translator.  Translators register with it when they start and register
a call back.  On boot, the mtab translator is started and calls each
call back.  It's not perfect, but it's a lot less ugly.


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