
Thanks for your interest on GNU/Hurd!

On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 5:21 AM, Subhashish Pradhan <spr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I am Subhashish Pradhan and I am interested in working on the Hurd Project.
> I noticed that you were a GSOC student for GNU/Hurd. So may I contact you 
> here for any queries that I may be hesitated to ask (since I'm a beginner) 
> the people over at Hurd?

They Hurd guys are all nice people, so don't be hesitated to ask for
any questions.  And I have cc this  to hurd-list and I hope  you will
be happy with this. You can also join the IRC channel #hurd, a lot of
Hurd hacker is hang on there.
> As an example, what was your development environment for Hurd? Was it a 
> Virtualbox or a QEMU environment or a direct install to the hardware?

As beginner, I don't think install GNU/Hurd on real hardware is a good
way. I have installed it with kvm, and it works well.  This link will
help you to install the GNU/Hurd
And I also recommend you to read this article
<http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/hurd-paper.html>, which explains why
FSF is developing a new operating system named the Hurd, which will be
a foundation of the whole GNU system.

> Thanks in advance!
> Regards,
> Subhashish
> P.S. - If you wish to ignore this, please send a short message; I'll oblige.

have fun with the big Hurd world :)

Yue Lu (陆岳)

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