On 01/15/2014 10:56:25 AM, Justus Winter wrote:
> I tested a simple userspace mutex based on this and multiple futexes,
> all tests passed.

Could you put that somewhere? I still have so little "context", I'd
like to see how futexe are used in a mutex implementation.

Here's what I used:

#include "gnumach.h"
#include <mach_init.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>

struct simple_mutex {

       #define SMUTEX_UNLOCKED 0
       #define SMUTEX_NO_WAITERS 1
       #define SMUTEX_WAITERS 2

       int value;


void simple_mutex_init(struct simple_mutex *smutex)
       smutex->value = SMUTEX_UNLOCKED;

void simple_mutex_lock(struct simple_mutex *smutex)
       int c;

if ((c = __sync_val_compare_and_swap(&smutex->value, SMUTEX_UNLOCKED, SMUTEX_NO_WAITERS)) != SMUTEX_UNLOCKED) {
               if (c != SMUTEX_WAITERS)
c = __sync_lock_test_and_set(&smutex->value, SMUTEX_WAITERS);
               while (c != SMUTEX_UNLOCKED) {
futex_wait(mach_task_self(), (vm_offset_t)&smutex->value, SMUTEX_WAITERS, 0, 1); c = __sync_lock_test_and_set(&smutex->value, SMUTEX_WAITERS);

void simple_mutex_unlock(struct simple_mutex *smutex)
if (__sync_lock_test_and_set(&smutex->value, smutex->value - 1) != SMUTEX_NO_WAITERS) {
               smutex->value = SMUTEX_UNLOCKED;
futex_wake(mach_task_self(), (vm_offset_t)&smutex->value, 0, 1);

int e = 0;
struct simple_mutex mutex;

void *thread_f(void *arg)
        printf("Tread 2 locking the mutex.\n");
        printf("Thread 2 in critical section.\n");
        printf("Thread 2 about to sleep.\n");
        futex_wait(mach_task_self(), (vm_offset_t)&e, e, 1000, 1);
        printf("Thread 2 waking up.\n");
        printf("Thread 2 unlocked the mutex.\n");
        return NULL;

int main()

        pthread_t new_thread;
        pthread_attr_t attr;


        pthread_create(&new_thread, &attr, thread_f, NULL);

        futex_wait(mach_task_self(), (vm_offset_t)&e, e, 1000, 1);

        printf("Thread 1 trying to lock the mutex.\n");
        printf("Thread 1 in critical section.\n");
        printf("Thread 1 unlocked the mutex.\n");

        return 0;

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