On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 10:46:26AM +0100, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
> without success and further help, I just attempted a clean reinstall
> .As a note, I add that the machine I am using worked with hurd for
> years, until its hard-disk trashed.
> The installer went fine (it is quite slow, CD-ROM access seems quite
> painful) through all the steps, up to the last one where it says
> "unmounting volumes". After 10 minutes it was still there without
> any disk activity, I shut down the machine. At boot, I do run fsck,
> as expected.
> At the next boot, I'm in the same situation as before. fsck says it
> can't check a mounted partition, my /proc is empty as is /var/run
> I will, as I did before, reconfigure the "hurd" package.
> But what can I do vor /var/run? and generally the problem? something
> else that could benefit of being reconfigured?

Honestly, I'm not sure you'll get help for such a specific problem. The
failed reinstall, though, is more troubling (and then interesting). I
suggest you reattempt to reinstall, and use the other virtual terminals
to check the status of the system if reinstallation fails again.

Richard Braun

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