
Previously I had some discussions and queries related to this project
on this mailing list, but disappeared for a while, my apologies.

I am working on implementing PRE() and POST() wrappers for a custom
ioctl on Linux. With that as reference, I have the following (broad)
steps in mind to complete the project:

1. Investigate into the workings of the 46 system calls in
gnumach/include/mach/syscall_sw.h and make a report of how to approach
them (to be done before the coding period starts)

2. Implement the PRE() & POST() wrappers for each of the 46 system
calls in valgrind source. (Specifically

3. Implement other features required for a new

4. Build a working source under an instance of Hurd - generation of
makefiles, dependencies, and scripts. (The first deliverable)

5. If the time permits, my second deliverable would be a binary
package for Debian/Hurd.

Few Questions:
Q1 - May I port the newest version of Valgrind or should it pose a problem?

Q2 - Is there an equivalent of tracing program like strace in linux
which can show what syscalls are being executed for a given program?

It would help illustrate how the syscalls function in GNUMach/Hurd .

Any corrections/suggestions/questions are welcome as scrutiny will
help make my proposal illustrated and detailed. Thanks!

Subhashish Pradhan
IRC Nick: sprkv5

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