On Fri, 2015-01-30 at 13:02 +0100, Justus Winter wrote:
> Quoting Thomas Schmitt (2015-01-30 12:04:57)

> > Would that support be desirable and what properties would
> > an ISO 9660 filesystem have to provide ?
> To start an translator on demand, the file system needs to support
> storing a passive translator record somewhere.  Currently, ext2fs and
> tmpfs are the only filesystems that supports that.  ext2fs stores the
> record in the operating system specific part of the ext2 ondisk
> format.  That is undesireable for ext2.  A better way would be to
> store the record in extended attributes. 

Isn't there a patch available already for this?

See also

> I don't know if it would be possible to store it on a cd.

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