Hello Antti!

Em Wed, 30 Sep 2015 20:57:06 +0000
Antti Kantee <po...@iki.fi> escreveu:

> So you are wanting libusb to work against a rump kernel?

It'd be nice.  It's my first attempt to make anything work against a
rump kernel on Hurd.

> A rump kernel does not, at least currently and AFAIR/AFAIK, provide
> ugen, so that won't work now.

How unfortunate! :-(

> If you do need libusb, adding a ugen component shouldn't be too
> difficult, though.  

How could I help with that?  Is it worth?

> (but I sort of hate ugen ;)

I want to give USB support to Hurd.  I know it sounds generic, but any
working initial implementation will do as a starting point.  Do you have
any alternative suggestions?

> What sort of general architecture are you planning in the Hurd case?

Sorry, I don't understand the question.

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