Richard Braun <> writes:

> On Mon, Aug 08, 2016 at 12:55:24PM +0200, Justus Winter wrote:
>> Right, I can see how this is a problem.  The thing is, remap doesn't
>> quite do the job: 1/ it fails to remap relative paths, 2/ if one sets a
>> translator record on a node, and that translator is then started by the
>> filesystem, it is started "outside" of the remap environment.  I belive
>> 2/ is what happens here.
> Why not start the translator from the remapped environment too ?

No reason, but this has to be implemented.  I started working on a
library for writing such chrooting translators, then got side-tracked by
the complexity of the dir_lookup operations.  Currently, remap has a
very naive lookup function, fakeroot's is better, but still not
sufficient.  I made some patches towards unifying and refactoring the
logic used in libdiskfs and libnetfs, but these functions are still huge


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