Further progress trying to track this down:

I don't have to shutdown the system to have problems.  "swapoff /dev/hd0s5"
is enough to cause problems, once enough swap is in use.  After a failed
swapoff, I have an extra 98 storeio processes running!

I don't have to swapoff to have "symptoms".  The kernel debugger normally
shows symbolic names, i.e:

Stopped  at  machine_idle+0xe:   leave

Once I've got enough swap in use, though, it stops doing this.  Now I see:

Stopped       at  0x810000be: leave

When I see a kernel page fault, it's always in strcmp()

It doesn't matter if an ssh session is open or not (Riccardo Mottola's

I can't task_terminate the auth server, as this typically does nothing once
I've started having symptoms, but I can kill the auth server from the
command line (just "kill 7") and that triggers a reboot that leaves the
disk in a clean state.

I'm just learning Hurd.  Any ideas?


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