"Brent W. Baccala" <cos...@freesoft.org> writes:

> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 12:21 PM, Justus Winter <jus...@gnupg.org> wrote:
>> % ~/build/machometer/machometer
>> N: 33554432 (1<<25), qlimit: 5
>> mach_print:   5s750000us        171.363354ns    5835553.391 (1/s)
>>    nullmsg:   6s330000us        188.648701ns    5300858.136 (1/s)
>>   producer:  27s650000us        824.034214ns    1213541.844 (1/s)
>>   consumer:  27s650000us        824.034214ns    1213541.844 (1/s)
> Where can I find "machometer"?


[I had a lot of stuff there, then something terrible happened to
darnassus, and I did not re-add everything yet.]


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