
On Sun, 2 Oct 2016 18:54:05 +0200, Justus Winter <jus...@gnupg.org> wrote:
> it is October, therefore, it is time for a new set of releases :)


(I've set a reminder in my calender to trigger every half a year.)  ;-)

..., and again I want to excuse my radio silence...  The good news: we're
getting married.  The bad news: that basically didn't allow to spend any
time on pet projects, in the last weeks/months.  The good news (well, for
us, anyway): we'll soon be leaving for the honeymoon trip.  The bad news:
I didn't manage to squeeze in enough time to prepare the releases.  I
still need to better document/automate what needs to be done (in
particular for updating the web pages).  Will it be OK to move the
release date towards end of November?  (Yay, one more month for getting
stuff finished for inclusion...)  ;'-\


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