
So, any volunteer for a Hurd talk at FOSDEM?


Almudena Garcia, le ven. 12 oct. 2018 23:24:37 +0200, a ecrit:
> Forwarded message to bug-hurd list
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Martin Stein <[1]martin.st...@genode-labs.com>
> Date: vie., 12 oct. 2018 a las 22:47
> Subject: FOSDEM 2019 - Microkernels developer room - CfP
> To: <[2]help-h...@gnu.org>
> Hi,
> I'm Martin from Genode Labs, Dresden. We're organizing the "Microkernels
> and component-based OS" developer room of the FOSDEM 2019 and thought
> that maybe the GNU Hurd community could be interested in participating
> in this Devroom. What do you think? I was not sure about which of your
> mailing lists to address, so, would you mind to redirect this request to
> the one that is most appropriate?
> I'm looking forward to hear from you!
> Best wishes,
> Martin
> ----- FOSDEM 2019 - Microkernels developer room -----
> FOSDEM 2019 - Microkernels and Component-based OSes devroom
> The developers of several free and open-source microkernel-based operating
> systems will meet at FOSDEM 2019 [1] in Brussels, Belgium and will share a
> developer room on Sunday February 03, 2019 [2].  The devroom is currently
> looking for content in the form of talks and activities related to the
> area of
> microkernel-, unikernel-, and componenent-based operating systems. Possible
> topics include, but are not limited to:
>  * introduction of a specific OS or framework
>  * design of subsystems and the general architecture of an OS
>  * enabling support for hardware (architectures, device drivers)
>  * used languages and tools
>  * maintenance and testing
>  * security and robustness
>  * trends and challenges
>  * use cases, experiences, lessons learned and demos
> Please use the Pentabarf [3] system to submit your proposals. You do
> not need to create a new account if you already have one. When in doubt,
> please use the devroom mailing list [4]. If you do not want to give a
> talk yourself, you may still send suggestions for what else you would
> like to see, or do in the devroom. Please send your suggestions to the
> mailing list. The deadline for your proposal is on December the 1st 2018.
> Make sure to include the following in your proposal:
>  * title of your talk (will be printed in the FOSDEM booklet)
>  * your full name (will be printed in the FOSDEM booklet)
>  * a short abstract (one or two paragraphs)
>  * duration of your talk (please, at least 25 and no longer than 55 min)
> The official devroom schedule (along with the accepted talks) will be
> announced on December the 15th on the devroom's mailing list and the
> speakers will be notified via e-mail. The schedule will also be published
> on the FOSDEM website.
> About FOSDEM
> FOSDEM is a two-day event organised by volunteers to promote the
> widespread use of free and open source software. Taking place in the
> beautiful city of Brussels (Belgium), FOSDEM is widely recognised as the
> best such conference in Europe. FOSDEM covers a wide spectrum of free
> and open source software projects, and offers a platform for people to
> collaborate. To this end, FOSDEM has set up developer rooms (devrooms)
> with network/internet connectivity and projectors where teams can meet
> and showcase their projects. Devrooms are a place for teams to discuss,
> hack and publicly present latest directions, lightning talks, news and
> discussions. Besides developer rooms, FOSDEM also offers main tracks,
> lightning talks, certification exams and project stands. Every year,
> FOSDEM hosts more than 5000 developers at the ULB Solbosch campus.
> Participation and attendance is totally free, though the organisers
> gratefully accept donations and sponsorship. No registration necessary.
> About the devroom
> Since the first Microkernel devroom in 2012 this devroom has been part of
> each following FOSDEM. By now it has become a somewhat institutionalized
> tradition for the micro kernel community to meet there; to this date over
> a dozen projects have participated in one way or another. Each of the
> projects face similar challenges but come up with partially different
> solutions. Therefore, the goal of the Microkernel devroom is to bring the
> various projects together, let them exchange ideas, cross-pollinate and
> socialize.
> Social events
> It also has become a habit that the microkernel projects dine together
> somewhere in Brussels. The year 2019 will not be any different, so there is
> going to be a microkernel family dinner on Saturday night. We try place a
> reservation, so we will inform you about the exact location and time later.
> Consult the FOSDEM web and other projects for additional social events such
> as the famous FOSDEM-organized Friday Beer Event and the FOSDEM-arranged
> free sightseeing tours for spouses.
> Important dates recap
> * 01.12.2018: Deadline for submissions
> * 15.12.2018: Schedule published and speakers notified of acceptance
> * 03.02.2019: The devroom takes places
> Links
> [1] [3]http://fosdem.org
> [2] [4]https://fosdem.org/2019/practical/transportation
> [3] [5]https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM19
> [4] [6]https://lists.fosdem.org/listinfo/microkernel-devroom
> See you all at FOSDEM!
> References:
> [1] mailto:martin.st...@genode-labs.com
> [2] mailto:help-h...@gnu.org
> [3] http://fosdem.org/
> [4] https://fosdem.org/2019/practical/transportation
> [5] https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM19
> [6] https://lists.fosdem.org/listinfo/microkernel-devroom

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