
Anyone available?  (I'm not, but thanks for asking, Hauke.)

| From: Hauke Goos-Habermann <hhaberm...@pc-kiel.de>
| Subject: Hurd booth/talk/workshop on Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage?
| To: hurd-maintain...@gnu.org
| Message-ID: <d599ff29-b63e-0267-d6f2-8cb7797c4...@pc-kiel.de>
| Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2019 15:32:16 +0200
| Hi,
| we are organising our 17th "Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage" (northern of
| Germany, www.kielux.de), a conference with 3 parallel tracks with talks and
| workshops and a smal exhibition for open source community projects and 
| Is there anybody who would like to hold a talk and/or give a workshop and/or
| make a booth on our event (20th - 21th September)?e
| Cu Hauke


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