Jan Wielkiewicz <tona_kosmicznego_smie...@interia.pl> writes:

> Dnia 2020-08-16, o godz. 16:39:12
> Samuel Thibault <samuel.thiba...@gnu.org> napisaƂ(a):
>> Hello,
> Currently the latest news on the website are "2016-12-18-releases".
> I'm not talking about news from https://darnassus.sceen.net/ , because
> it is not accessible from the official website and is dead half of the
> time, for example now.
> The lazy solution to this would be:
> "The Hurd is still alive, check out our git repository and mailing
> list!"
> I could write some short notes if my English is good enough.

I thought you were a native speaker!  Your English is superb!

>> I will probably never understand the reasoning behind "graphically
>> appealing => is alive", but I guess that's the world we live in.
> How we present the project to the world and its appearance is extremely
> important to success of the project, a good example of this can be seen
> in the animal world:
> Some animals pretend to be dead in order to trick predators into
> thinking something is wrong with them:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apparent_death
> We don't want the Hurd to be as successful in pretending we're dead as
> these animals, do we? :)
> People are simple - they see an old website, with latest news from 2016
> and assume the project is dead. Not everyone is as curious as me to
> check the mailing list or git repo.
> I started contributing to Guix, just because the website convinced me
> the project is worth it, also because it is a GNU project, but the
> website was more important.
> professional website = people thinking the project is professional
> By just saying on the main page "we're looking for developers for X" we
> can gain new contributors. Just because I told my friend about the
> Hurd, he's now willing to contribute.
> This is the power of presentation. Really, I had to tell people all
> around the Internet, the Hurd is still alive, because they thought
> otherwise!

This is pretty true.  That's kind of the main reason I started playing
with GNU Guix too!

>> It is already a wiki.
> Yes I know, what I mean by this is we could make the main page with sole
> purpose of showing the Hurd is cool and still alive and a candy shop
> people want to come and from this cool main page, there would be a link
> to the wiki, the current web page we don't want to show anyone but
> maintainers. This would save the current maintainers from headaches.
> The navigation on the website is also hard, but I'm not sure I'm
> competent enough to reorganise the wiki more logically and the main
> goal of making the new website is what I said above - showing the Hurd
> is cool.

I have thought about this for a long time!  That's a fantastic idea!

>> Samuel
> Jan Wielkiewicz

Joshua Branson
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