Hey friends,

I recently made a video where I ran the latest GNU/Hurd image in qemu.
The video is currently private and unlisted.  I kind of wanted your
advice.  Essentially it showcases some issues with the Hurd (or my
inadequacy with using it).  What's our marketing strategy?  Full truth
about the Hurd's short comings?  Or highlighting its possibilities?


Please let me know if you think that I should or should not publish
this video.

The video shows that (at least to my knowledge) the latest qemu image
has some hiccups.

- It does not automatically set up networking.
- Manually setting up networking could be easier (I'll make some wiki edits to 
correct this)
- SSH-ing into the machine doesn't work.
- and weird CAPS LOCK errors.  Essentially I somehow enabled CAPS LOCK on the 
qemu image,
  and I could not un-CAPS LOCK.

All of the above issues could be user-error (aka my limited technical
knowledge), but if it's something else, feel free to let me know.

Also, making this video helped me realize that we are in a situation
like WWII.  During WWII, one group of allied troops, found themselves
surrounded by the enemy.  The allied commander, assembled his troops
and said, "Today is a fantastic day.  For the first time in the war,
we can shoot in any direction and fire at the enemy!"  *

I felt that the GNU/Hurd wiki has lots of little areas where I could
tweak and make it better.  Since Samuel is ok with me submitting
patches, even though I cannot render the wiki locally (aka I cannot
verify that I am submitting proper syntax), I'll go ahead and make
some more wiki edits.  :)



* P.S.  I believe Samuel has this positive attitude, and that's awesome!

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