On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 7:33 PM Sergey Bugaev <buga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Oh, and you would not believe this, but in the past couple of hours I
> have discovered *another* vulnerability, unrelated to the first one;
> it's even easier to exploit and also gives you root

And one more, unrelated to either of the first two:

sergey@sergey-hurd-box:~/hax3$ gcc hax3.c -o hax3
sergey@sergey-hurd-box:~/hax3$ ids
effective uids: 1000(sergey)
effective gids: 1000(sergey) 24(cdrom) 25(floppy) 27(sudo) 29(audio)
30(dip) 44(video) 46(plugdev) 103(netdev)
available uids: 1000(sergey) 1000(sergey)
available gids: 1000(sergey) 1000(sergey)
sergey@sergey-hurd-box:~/hax3$ ./hax3
Got root auth port :)
root@sergey-hurd-box:~/hax3# ids
effective uids: 0(root)
effective gids: 0(root)
available uids: 0(root) 0(root)
available gids: 0(root) 0(root)

There are other obvious issues with [this part of code], many of them
should also be exploitable.


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