Hi Guys ,

I am running makedepend  utility for my builds on HP  B.11.23 U 9000/800 and
SUN  5.10 Generic_118833-36 sun4u sparc 64 bit on both machines .

In my makefile .

I have the following target

SRCS = *.c *.cc
.include "$(ONROOT)/cf/make.dep"

in the make.dep looks like so :

.if defined(SRCS)
OBJS += ${SRCS:C/(\.cc|\.c)/.o/}

.if defined(SRCS)
   (cd ${.CURDIR} ; \
       /bin/test -e obj.${MACHINE}/dependencies || touch
obj.${MACHINE}/dependencies ; \
       makedepend -f obj.${MACHINE}/dependencies $(INCLUDES) $(SRCS))

   (cd ${.CURDIR} ; ctags -t ${SRCS})

.if exists(${.CURDIR}/obj.${MACHINE}/dependencies)
.include "${.CURDIR}/obj.${MACHINE}/dependencies"

when I am building it i am using pmake depend

but I am getting WARNING messages about system files some hing like so:

I am getting this on all of the system files .

Has anyone any idea how i can STOP getting these Warning messages ... Please


makedepend: warning:  qs.cc (reading /usr/local64/include/OB/Basic.h, line
206): cannot find include file "iostream"
       not in /usr/local64/include/OB/iostream
       not in
       not in /usr/local64/include/iostream
       not in /usr/local64/include/iostream
       not in /usr/local64/include/iostream
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