On Wed, 2007 Aug 15 18:27:53 -0500, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> If this is done, then it will be necessary to verify that ar does accept 
> this option.  Most likely there are some old AIX versions which do not 
> understand this option.

FWIW, ar(1) as of AIX 4.3 supports it.

ukelele:~> ar
Usage:  ar [-X{32|64|32_64}] [-clsvCT] [-g|o] {-h|p|t|x} [--] Archive [File ...]
        ar [-X{32|64|32_64}] [-clsvCT] [-g|o] {-m|r[u]}
                [{-a|b|i} {PositionName}] [--] Archive File ...
        ar [-X{32|64|32_64}] [-clsvCT] [-g|o] {-d|q} [--] Archive File ...
        ar [-X{32|64|32_64}] [-clvCT] {-g|o|s|w} [--] Archive


NAME   = Daniel Richard G.       ##  Remember, skunks       _\|/_  meef?
EMAIL1 = [EMAIL PROTECTED]        ##  don't smell bad---    (/o|o\) /
EMAIL2 = [EMAIL PROTECTED]      ##  it's the people who   < (^),>
WWW    = http://www.******.org/  ##  annoy them that do!    /   \
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