Hello Ilya,

* Ilya N. Golubev wrote on Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 07:42:53PM CEST:
> [...] one needs to
> figure which files installed by libtool are run-time ones, and which
> are development, to obtain lists of run-time and development files.
> Currently there is no (documented) way to do so, let alone automate
> it.

Yes, I agree with your analysis and think this is a good feature
request.  What would be a good new interface?  Something along the
lines of

(with analogous uninstall modes?) and would we need to encode (some of)
the needed information in .la files?  IOW, I understand the problem, but
I haven't thought of either the desired semantics that a good solution
should have, nor how to then implement that.


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