greetings, han-wen!

this looks like a bug to me, but perhaps it's a "feature".   :-)

in the fragment attached, SOME of the 32nds near the staff top have
unusually long stems. note that this does not affect 16ths, nor does it
affect pairs of the SAME note. it does get somewhat better as the figure
moves down into the staff, but at the top edge, it's REALLY ugly. the same
thing happens with notes at the bottom of the staff.

what do you think?

v.1.9.8, of course.


\score {
    \notes \relative c''{ 
\time 3/8

a'16[ b] g[ b]
a32[ b] g[ b] 
g16[ a] f[ a]
g32[ a] f[ a] 
f16[ g] e[ g]
f32[ g] e[ g] 
e16[ f] d[ f]
e32[ f] d[ f] 
d16[ e] c[ e]
d32[ e] c[ e]
c16[ d] b[ d]
c32[ d] b[ d]
a'32[ a] g[ g] f[ f] e[ e] d[ d] c[ c]
\paper {  }
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