On Tuesday 10 February 2004 00.26, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> > > NEWS
> > >
> > >    * Melismata in lyrics are also properly handled  in the MIDI output.
> >
> > There are still examples where I get lyrics barcheck warnings during MIDI
> > output but none during paper output. Is this a known bug, or should I try
> > to isolate an example?
> example please.

The following:
\version "2.1.20"

songA = \notes \relative c' {
  \partial 16 g16 |
  g( g) g g g( g g g) g4 r8. g16 |

lyrA = \lyrics {
a a a a a a a | a

\score {
  \context Voice=A \context Voice \notes \songA
  \lyricsto A \context LyricsVoice \lyrA 
  \paper { }
  \midi {\tempo 4=70}


/tmp$ lilypond foo
lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.1.20
Running usr...
Now processing: `foo.ly'
Parsing...Interpreting music...[3]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Calculating line breaks... [3][4]
paper output to `foo.tex'...

Interpreting music...
/tmp/foo.ly:10:14: warning: barcheck failed at: 3/8:
a a a a a a a
              | a

MIDI output to `foo.midi'...
Track ...

Analyzing foo.tex...
Running latex...
Running dvips...
Running ps2pdf...
DVI output to `foo.dvi'...
MIDI output to `foo.midi'...
PDF output to `foo.pdf'...
PS output to `foo.ps'...

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